The security analytics modules page. By security analytics, we mean statistical, data mining, natural language processing, and machine learning techniques for security problems and challenges.

The Security Analytics team consists of: Professors Ping Chen (University of Massachusetts - Boston),  Lila Ghemri (Texas Southern University), Stephen Huang (University of Houston), and Rakesh Verma (University of Houston), and the following consultants: Professor Wenyaw Chan (University of Texas Health Science Center), Dr. Siddhartha Dalal and Professor Ricardo Vilalta (University of Houston). 

We are working on five modules in this area: 

  1. Natural Language Processing Techniques for Security
  2. Data Mining for Security
  3. Machine Learning for Security
  4. Statistical Techniques for Security
  5. Privacy Preservation in Data Mining 

Modules (Lectures/Slides): [Work in Progress] 

Supporting materials for the modules are available for instructors interested in teaching these modules.  Please contact either or any instructors listed with the module titles.

As of Spring 2018, we have updated the information in our lecture slides.

The updated version of slides:

  1. Basics of Security 
  2. Data Mining Module
  3. Natural Language Processing
  4. Machine Learning
  5. Statistical Techniques for Security
  6. Privacy Preservation in Data Mining

Below are the older set of Slides :

  1. Natural Language Processing Techniques for Security
  2. Data Mining for Security
  3. Machine Learning for Security

Module Evaluation forms are available below for both Instructors and Students to provide feedback.

Evaluation Forms for Instructors

Evaluation Forms for Students