What's in a url: Fast feature extraction and malicious url detection


Phishing is an online social engineering attack with the goal of digital identity theft carried out by pretending to be a legitimate entity. The attacker sends an attack vector commonly in the form of an email, chat session, blog post etc., which contains a link (URL) to a malicious website hosted to elicit private information from the victims. We focus on building a system for URL analysis and classification to primarily detect phishing attacks. URL analysis is attractive to maintain distance between the attacker and the victim, rather than visiting the website and getting features from it. It is also faster than Internet search, retrieving content from the destination website and network-level features used in previous research. We investigate several facets of URL analysis, e.g., performance analysis on both balanced and unbalanced datasets in a static as well as live experimental setup and online versus batch learning.

In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM on International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics
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Avisha Das
Avisha Das
Research Fellow

My research interests include natural language understanding and generation with a focus on Biomedical NLP and AI Security.