UTHealth@ BioCreativeVII: domain-specific transformer models for drug-protein relation extraction


It is important to automatically extract the relations between drugs and proteins from ever-growing biomedical literature, to build up-to-date knowledge bases in biomedicine. Through the DRUGPROT track at BioCreative VII, we developed automated methods to recognize drug-protein entity relations from PubMed abstracts. In this short system description paper, we outline and describe our proposed system submissions that leverage multiple transformer models pre-trained on biomedical data. The outputs of some of the systems have been combined using a decision based on majority voting. Our best system obtained 80.44% in precision and 74.96% in recall for an F1-score of 77.60%, demonstrating the effectiveness of deep learning-based approaches for automatic relation extraction from biomedical literature for the main track. We also participated in the LargeScale Track - the micro-averaged precision, recall and F1-score of our best system being 79.49%, 75.27% and 77.32% respectively.

In ‘Proceedings of the BioCreative VII challenge evaluation workshop
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Avisha Das
Avisha Das
Research Fellow

My research interests include natural language understanding and generation with a focus on Biomedical NLP and AI Security.